Pull Out Testing Company in Mid Glamorgan for bolts, fixings and anchors.

Pull out testing for construction, railways, highways and scaffold companies in Mid Glamorgan.

Pull Out Testing Mid Glamorgan provide essential testing services throughout all UK counties which includes shear testing, surface bond testing load and stress testing, anchor bolt testing for construction companies, railways, steel fabrication companies, highways agencies, scaffold companies, health and safety companies, pipework installation companies and ship building companies.

We can conduct pull out testing either on a large scale or a smaller intensive scale.

Pull Out Testing Mid Glamorgan will provide comprehensive, detailed reports to show that all pull out tests, anchor bolt tests and bolt testing that we carry out demonstrate that they meet the conformance of fixings to on site load levels.

Pull out testing services we provide:

Screw pull out testing:
Carried out in accordance with BRE Digest 421 Measuring the compressive strength of masonry materials:

Shear testing:
Carried out in accordance with BS5080-2:1986 Structural fixings in concrete and masonry – Method for determination of resistance to loading in shear.

Heavy Duty Pull Out Testing:
This service is designed to meet the demand for proof load testing of larger construction fixings.

Medium Duty Pull Out Test:
Testing enables our engineers to confirm the holding power of anchors in most construction materials.

Scaffold Anchor Bolt Tests:
This service is used to check the suitability and allowable loads of an anchor type and check they have been installed correctly.

Eye And Bolt Testing:
For safety harness eye bolts to meet the requirements of PPE. Can also be used to test ladder restraint hooks and most ringbolts in concrete or masonry can be tested.

Bespoke pull out testing in accordance with specific client’s requirements.

Why use Pull Out Testing in Mid Glamorgan?

  • Exceptional knowledge and expertise in all types of tests.
  • Established Health and Safety record and documented Risk Assessments
  • Client focused
  • Industry standard testing equipment is used
  • UK coverage by professional technicians

We also specialise in the following pull out testing services.

  • Safety Post & Foundation Testing
  • Crash Barrier Testing
  • Motorway Sign Posts and Gantry Testing
  • Foundation Rebar Testing
  • Marine pad eye testing
  • Ships anchor eyes
  • Pier bolts
  • Container bolts
  • Steel structures
  • Rebar pullout testing
  • Wall tie testing

Types of testing equipment we use.

2000 medium duty tension tester 25Kn

Ideal for most construction materials to confirm the strength of anchors.

2008 heavy duty tester 145Kn

A portable unit designed to test larger construction fittings.

Hydrajaws scaffold tester

Designed to test scaffold ties, etc to ensure they conform to HSE guidelines.

Safety eyebolt and ringbolt testers

Designed to test eyebolts, ring bolts, safety harness connections, ladder restraints and bolts in masonry or concrete.